Hotel Rates
- Standard - $82.00 per night
- Superior - $88.00 per night
- Rates effective through December 15, 2009
- Rate Based on Single or Double occupancy.
- Additional person(s): $20.00/ Max per room 4 persons.
Additional Hilo Bay Hotel information ››
- Hotel Room Standard $114.00 per night
- Rates valid for travel from: 4/1/09-4/13/09, 4/19/09-6/30/09, and 8/17/09-12/24/09
- Hotel Room Standard $127.00 per night
- Rates valid for travel from: 2/5/09-3/31/09, 4/14/09-4/14/09, and 7/1/09-8/16/09
- Rate Based on Single or Double occupancy.
- Additional person(s): $40 / Max per room 4 persons.
Additional Castle Hilo Hawaiian Hotel information ››
- Standard Room $121.00 per night
- Partial Ocean View $135.00 per night
- Rates valid for travel from: 12/20/08 - 3/31/09
- Standard Room $174.00 per night
- Partial Ocean View $255.00 per night
- Rates valid for travel from: 4/1/09 - 12/19/09
- Rates based on single or double occupancy.
- Additional person(s):$47.00 each/ Max per room 4 persons.
Additional King Kamehameha Kona Beach information ››
- Standard Room $86.00 per night
- Superior Room $92.00 per night
- Rates effective now through December 15, 2009
- Rates based on single or double occupancy.
- Additional person(s): $20.00/ Max per room 4 persons
Additional Kona Bay information ››